Sunday, October 20, 2019

Friday 11 October - Drive to Nkwazi Tented Camp, Livingstone

Up at 6 am for breakfast of fried bratwurst and fried potatoes - very healthy.  We tidied the whole vehicle sorting out all the food and storage bags.  We gave all the excess food (half a bag of pasta, 6 breadrolls, packet of chicken soup, packet of tomato sauce, chicken and beef oxo cubes, oregano and a little bit of oil) to the receptionist who seemed very pleased and said it would definitely get used.  We were able to have a nice hot shower for once and were on the road by 8.30 am.  It was along and tedious drive along the highway to Livingstone.  The biggest excitement was whether we would make it without running out of diesel. It was definitely touch and go - the warning light came on as we reached Livingstone.  The first garage then had a powercut to add a bit of added excitement but luckily the next one was working and we were able to add 20 litres to the tank.

At the start of the holiday we had suggested going on a helicopter ride over the falls and as we had time we headed to Batoka Sky which was recommended in the Bradt Guide.  We were amazed to be able to get a slot - they were expecting a really large group but were able to get us in before them if we could go immediately.  The helicopter was small single engine with 4 seats.  Ian let me sit in the front as it was my first every helicopter ride and he had done loads.

 It was superb!  We flew over the Falls twice and the view of the canyon and the river was amazing.

Drove back to Nkwazi Camp arriving at 2.15 to find the camp essentially shut as we were the only guests.  Even the power was off as there was a powercut and they wouldn't switch the generator on til after 6pm.  We cleared the vehicle out, packed our bags and then had a quick dip in the pool (very quick as it was really cold!).  We sat and drank several beers before dinner (carrot and butternut soup, fried feta, chicken breast with roast spuds, and pavlova and fruit).  Spent most of the meal trying to stop everything blowing away in the wind whilst Ian cursed his phone for not sending text messages!

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